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Author: Karla Holland

Nominate a Phenom or Icon

Phenoms & Icons, DJC Oregon’s newest award program, will honor the local building industry’s long-time leaders while recognizing the up-and-coming professionals expected to share the future of architecture, engineering, construction,

CTE funding is (still) sorely needed

The crippling of the education pipeline for construction and other basic industries must end. As Spring Break comes to an end for many of Oregon’s students, you can almost hear

Know an Amazing Kid Bound for Construction?

Know a stand-out student interested in pursuing a career in a trade industry who deserves recognition? The Portland Tribune is seeking nominations for its 2017 Amazing Kids Award. The annual

Union Contractor Mbrs: Glimpse the Future Through Technology

Construction Technology Workshop Union Contractor Members Only: This presentation will introduce attendees to the fast-paced work of construction technology. The architect/engineering/construction (A/E/C) industry has traditionally been a lagger when it

Free AGC/NWUCA Safety and Health Forum

Don’t miss this opportunity to discuss best practices with your peers. Participate in our roundtable discussions with experts on the topics listed below, see what your peers are doing, and

Longtime Chapter Members Recognized

Members Recognized for 25 and 50 Years of Membership Each year the chapter has the honor of presenting the Heritage Award in appreciation and recognition to our members’ long standing

AGC Welcomes 2017 Officers, Board

Oregon-Columbia Chapter 2017 Board of Directors The new Oregon-Columbia Chapter Board of Directors and slate of officers was formally put into place at the chapter’s Annual Business Meeting on Friday,

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