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Author: Karla Holland

It’s Award Time: Chapter and National Safety Awards

The Oregon-Columbia Chapter’s Recognition of Safety Excellence (ROSE) Award recognizes chapter leaders in safety excellence, provides an excellent way to document your achievements in safety, and offers an opportunity to

Register for the AGCA Hwy Contractors Conference

2015 AGC of America Highway & Transportation Contractors Conference November 5–7, 2015 Marriott Desert Ridge Hotel, Phoenix, Arizona This 1.5 day conference brings together contractors, suppliers, owners, and key industry

2016 AGCA Award Entries Due!

2016 Awards Program Deadline Approaching! The Oct. 30 deadline to apply for an Alliant Build America Award and/or AGC in the Community Award is quickly approaching, but it’s not too

Contractors Feeling Workforce Pinch

Nationwide survey finds 86 percent of contractors have difficulty filling key craft and salaried jobs as demand for construction increases All 21 Crafts in Survey are in Short Supply at

Complying with DBE Requirements MCIP Workshop

On behalf of Metropolitan Contractor Improvement Partnership, ODOT Office of Civil Rights would like to share the following information: Complying with DBE Requirements Workshop Would you like to remove the

AGCA Publications Keep You Informed

AGC of America publications offer a wealth of information As an AGC  member, you hold the key to a wide range of regular publications from AGC of America—all available at

Workplace Safety Training Grants Available

Oregon OSHA is accepting applications for the development of innovative workplace safety and health training programs. Unique projects such as mobile apps, videos, or online educational games to engage workers

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