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Author: Karla Holland

Connecting Veterans to the Construction Industry

Knowing that the nation’s veterans can serve as a good pool of potential construction craftworkers, but also understanding that making the connections with the nation’s veterans as they leave service

AGC Mourns Passing of Rob Bogatay

Rob Bogatay has been a long-time member of AGC, and has been a supporter of chapter efforts in the Klamath area for many years. He was active in the Klamath

Happy Retirement Jack Markgraf!

Jack Markgraf, former chair of the Klamath Area Council, recently retired. At the May Board of Directors Meeting, Jack was recognized by Chapter President Jim McKune for his long-time service

New Pipeline Safety Rule Proposed

The United States Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) has proposed a new rule that will directly affect utility and excavation contractors. The proposed rule would

Little Kids, Big Toys!

Dozer Day: Where Kids Drive May 19–20 11 am–4 pm Cemex-Fisher Quarry, west side of 192nd Ave and Brady Road where Vancouver and Camas connect We’re proud to be a

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