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Author: Karla Holland

We Need You!: AGCA Coronavirus Survey

Complete AGC of America’s Latest Coronavirus Survey by October 16 to Help Us Advocate for You National Association will Use Results to Push for Additional Relief Measures AGC of America

Need Assistance With Your CSEA Application?

AGC of America’s seasoned Construction Safety Excellence Award (CSEA) volunteers are knowledgeable about the CSEA process, from completing and submitting the application to the final judging component and the awards

Partner Spotlight: Stewart Sokol & Larkin

AGC would not be able to have the successful events and meetings without our generous partners! As a benefit of our yearly Partner Program, we spotlight some of our member

Tax Strategies: Navigating COVID-19

Maintaining cash flow remains vital to staying resilient. Luckily, with the right guidance, your business can put tax tools to work that can generate a one-time or recurring cash flow

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