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Participate in Safe + Sound Week

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Safe + Sound Week

Safe + Sound Week registration is open! Join thousands of businesses who are recognizing their commitment to workplace safety and health. Organizations of all sizes and industries are welcome to participate.

Visit the Safe + Sound Week webpage to sign up to participate, and for ideas on planning and promoting your event.

Register Now!

Safe + Sound logo 2022Eyes on Safety

Utilize Safe + Sound Week to get a safety and health program started or to energize an existing program. At the core of every effective safety and health program is a systematic process for finding and fixing workplace hazards, which includes conducting inspections to identify new or emerging hazards that could lead to injury or illness.

Looking for an activity to complete during Safe + Sound Week? Consider taking the Eyes on Safety challenge:

  1. Plan your safety walkaround.
  2. Conduct your safety walkaround.
  3. Prioritize the hazards you found.
  4. Download your challenge coin and use the hashtags #EyesOnSafety and #SafeAndSoundAtWork on social media to show you participated in the challenge.
Safety Pays

The Safety Pays Program raises awareness of how occupational injuries and illnesses can impact a company’s profitability. The program features multiple tools, including a tool that produces a report comparing workplace injury/illness rates of your business to your competitors.

Participate in Safe + Sound Week

After signing up for Safe + Sound Week, it’s time to plan your activity. Download the Participate in Safe + Sound Week document for ideas on how to recognize your commitment to safety and health programs. Also, check out the event archive to see how businesses from previous years participated in Safe + Sound Week.

Check out the video!

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